*Times are indicated in CET.
**Hybrid / online events are marked with two stars
09.00 – 10.30
Community Breakfast + ICC Kick-off
@ Station11.00 – 13.00
Protecting Biodiversity: Solutions from the Public and Private Sector
BSR + Danish Ministry of Environment | @ CBS SP. 2.1315.00 - 17.00
Tech for Climate - Hope or Hype?
Authors Peter Watts, Klaus Æ. Mogensen, Amdi Silvestri | @ CBS SP. 2.1318.00 - 19.30
Community Dinner
@ Station20.30 - 22.00
Brave Space
oikos International | @ Station
09.00 - 09.45
Community Breakfast
oikos International | @ Station10.00 - 11.00
How to Make Renewable Energy Sustainable?
Vestas | @ CBS SP. s.0813.00 - 14.30
Nordic Models of Sustainability – Between Ambition and Accomplishment
Steen Vallentin | @ CBS SP. s.0814.30 - 17.30
Workshop Space
Business Unusual, oikos Copenhagen | @ Station18.00 - 23.30
Green Connections Friday Bar (International Edition)
@ Station
10.00 - 13.00
oikos Legislative Meeting
oikos International | @ Station (hybrid)13:00
Community Lunch15.00 - 17.00
Discover the City: Sustainable & livable Copenhagen Walking Tour17.30 - 19.00
Boat Trip on the Canals of Copenhagen
20.00 - 22.00
Pub Crawl or Camp Fire (depending on the weather)
9.30 - 11.00
På Gensyn! (Goodbye Event with workshops, breakfast and hugs)
Details TBA | @ Station

Reach out to our awesome ICC Coordinator Maëlle, mar@oikos-copenhagen.org for more information.
All participants, online and in Copenhagen are asked to sign up here.
Registration deadline: 3. April 2023 -
The main part of the programme will take place at:
Station - Student & Innovation House, Howitzvej 30, 2000 Frederiksberg.Other addresses will be shared closer to the programme.
Please note, that oikos Copenhagen CANNOT currently aid you in covering your expenses associated with your trip to Copenhagen.
We are looking into funding, but cannot guarantee success. Maybe save your receipts somewhere where you can find them again, should we be lucky.
The oikos International Chapter Conference, or ICC for short, is an annual event hosted by oikos International, a global community made up of 50 chapters around the world, all committed to advancing sustainability in their respective communities.
But the ICC is much more than just a conference - it's a gathering of like-minded individuals who share a common goal: to create a sustainable future. It's a chance to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another, to be inspired by new ideas, and to challenge our own assumptions.
At the ICC, we're not just talking about sustainability - we're living it. We're immersing ourselves in the local context of the host chapter, learning about their unique sustainability approaches, and forging meaningful relationships with community members. We're engaging in workshops, lectures, and panel discussions on responsible management and economics, and developing new knowledge and skills.
The ICC is a unique platform for knowledge sharing and community building, and it's an experience that will leave you feeling energized, inspired, and empowered to make a positive impact in the world.
So if you're looking for a chance to immerse yourself in our global movement committed to shaping society and creating a better future, look no further than the ICC. It's a journey that will leave you connected and with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility.

oikos International is a non-profit association that was founded in Switzerland in 1987. Today it supports and fosters a network of like-minded individuals. The organisation is led by students and aims to empower and encourage young change agents worldwide to transform their local university ecosystems. Through the oikos network, students are able to become leaders in sustainability and make positive impacts in their communities. With a focus on creating a better world, oikos International is committed to supporting and nurturing its members as they work to create a more sustainable future.