* Programme elements may be subject to change.
** Sign ups are only required where indicated.
Green Week Hallway Kick-off
SP. Torvet13.00 - 15.00
How to Become an Empowered Leader (Workshop)
LT Cambio & Elevate Sustain Prosper | @ SP. 1.0815.30 - 17.00
Closing the Sustainability Implementation Gap (Interactive Lecture)
Rikke Rønholt Albertsen, CBS Sustainability Centre | @ SP. s.12
16.00 - 17.00
Closing the Green Finance Gap
CBS Sustainable Finance Club | @ Kilen Atrium
10.15 - 11:15
EU Taxonomy - Exploring the License to Operate for Sustainable Companies (Interactive Seminar)
Position Green | Kilen, KL. 1.4311:30 - 12:30
The role of central banks in the Green Transition (Panel Debate)
Business Unusual & Gode Penge | @ Kilen, Atrium13.15 - 14.45
Small-scale Agricultural Systems: Consuming and Producing Locally and Seasonally (Workshop)
Grønt Market, Lindegaarden | @ Station, Wunderkammer
11.00 - 13.00
Protecting Biodiversity: Solutions from the Public and Private Sector (Special Lecture)
BSR®, The Danish Ministry of Environment @ SP. 2.13
15.00 - 17.00
Tech for Climate: Hope or Hype? (Panel Debate)
Peter Watts, Klaus Æ. Mogensen, Amdi Silvestri | @ SP. 2.13
10.00 - 11.00
Making Renewable Energy Sustainable (Special Session)
Andrew Harwell, Vestas Wind Systems | @ SP. s.0813.00 - 14.30
Nordic Models of Sustainability - Between Ambition & Accomplishment (Special Lecture)
Steen Vallentin, CBS Sustainability Centre | @ SP. s.0817.00 - 23.30
Green Connections International Friday Bar
@ Café Station
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Announcement: GREEN WEEK & GREEN BUSINESS FORUM join forces for GReen
With a lineup of over 25 activities, the Green Business Forum will unite business professionals, students, and researchers to showcase their successes and best practices, highlight where action is still needed, and seek inspiration for upcoming endeavors.
Green Week and Green Business Forum have partnered up for its first ever rendition of the two-day event. Although students are welcome to join the full programme, you’ll find the events organised especially for students in the Green Week programme.
Dates: 18. April - 19. April

We seek to inspire and encourage individuals to shape a sustainable society through their actions and leadership. Therefore, Green Week is a forum for stakeholders across all of society to meet, discuss, and exchange about trends and developments within sustainability, enhance personal transformative capabilities, as well as providing networking and career exploration opportunities.
Since its creation in 2012, Green Week has been a collection of events, similarly to a sustainability festival. The 3-5 day event hosted at CBS attracts students, young professionals and sustainability enthusiasts from all of Copenhagen and features dozens of participating guests. We have featured experiences of all shapes and sizes, e.g. conferences, panel discussions, keynote speeches, workshops, simulation games, movie screenings, clothing swaps, food tastings, networking events, and much more.
For students by students. Green Week is one of the largest student-organised events in Copenhagen. It is oikos Copenhagen’s flagship project and CBS is patron of the project.
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